Quick price calculator
Enter the requested details of each journey to get a quote
Click on an item to modify it. When ready, click the button below to obtain a price.
Please select total number of passengers travelling in your group. One seat is required for each person, including children and babies.
Baby and booster seats are provided free-of-charge for all children aged 6 months and older. These can be reserved later in the booking process.
Please select the journey date.
Go Massif are able to provide services on only certain days, due to operating limits imposed by Swiss authorities.
The dates highlighted on the calendar are available for transfers.
Latest flight arrival time available: 21:30.
Please provide the arrival time shown on the airline ticket. If group members are arriving on separate flights, please provide the latest flight arrival.
Earliest flight departure time available: 09:25 . Please provide the flight departure time shown on the airline ticket. All passengers are dropped off a minimum of 2 hrs 30 mins before flight departure time. If group members are departing on separate flights, please provide the earliest flight departure.
Please provide the train or bus arrival time, as shown on the transport ticket.
Please provide the train or bus departure time. Passengers will be dropped off at the station a minimum of 30 mins before the train/bus departs.
Private transfers – Passengers will be picked up at the specified time.
Shared transfers – Passengers will be picked up at the specified time or LATER. Continue for further details.